black widow spider

Southern Black Widow Spiders – What Florida Residents Need to Know

We deal with a lot of creepy crawly bugs here in Florida, but some of these tiny home intruders are more dangerous than others. We’ll dive into everything about southern black widow spiders Florida residents should know, including what they look like, how harmful they are, and when they become a problem. What Does a …

Southern Black Widow Spiders – What Florida Residents Need to Know Read More »

hurricane near florida

Hurricane and Tropical Storm Pest Control in South East Florida

Hurricane and tropical storms can cause terrible damage to homes and properties, and understandably, a pest problem is the last thing you want to worry about after a storm. While you cannot control nature or stop the storm from happening, you can control how it affects you. To avoid post-hurricane pest invasion, it is essential …

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A man climbs the trunk of a dead palm tree and lops off sections of the trunk with a chainsaw.

Considering Palm Tree Removal in South Florida: Factors and Methods

It’s not unusual for a healthy South Florida palm tree to survive for 70, 80, or even 100 years or more with proper care. Yet these graceful wonders of nature will eventually meet their end, leaving property owners with the task of carefully removing them for aesthetic and safety reasons. Of course, there are many …

Considering Palm Tree Removal in South Florida: Factors and Methods Read More »