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photo of paper wasp

What About Wasps?

One question we hear a lot from our clients is “I know bees are good for the environment, but what about wasps?” Well, wasps are still an important part of our ecosystem, and can help with pest control and pollination,

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Drywood Termites

A Guide to Drywood Termites

Termites are one of the most destructive pests we have here in South Florida, with their ability to lurk around your house unseen and silently cause damage from within. One of these particularly dangerous creepers is the drywood termite. Treating

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drywood termites in south florida

DIY Termite Treatment: Does it work? 

If you’re a homeowner, you’ve probably tackled quite a few DIY projects over the years. IKEA furniture, paint jobs, sprucing up the garden, maybe you’ve taken down a wall or two? But should you consider DIY-ing pest control?  There are

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The Spider Danger Scale

Eek! Unless it’s Halloween, most people typically don’t enjoy seeing spiders around their house. Spiders play an important part in our ecosystem, helping control the insect population by eating aphids, beetles, caterpillars, and mosquitoes. Spiders are also food for animals

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