photo of bumble bee

Are Bumble Bees Beneficial?

Need help with stinging insects? Call us today!1.800.226.6536 The buzzing sound of a bee is enough to make just about anyone cringe with fear. Some of us might even run away at the buzzing sounds of those insects. The thought of being stung by a bee is enough to make anyone run away screaming, especially if you’re …

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photo of norway rat

Are Rats Dangerous?

Need help with rats? Call us today!1.800.226.6536 Brown rats, sometimes called sewer rats or Norway rats, are grayish brown in color. Their tails are shorter than the length of their bodies, and their eyes and ears look small in relation to their body. All species of rats are generally larger than mice. Rats are dangerous to …

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photo of mosquito bites

Protect yourself from mosquitoes this summer

The media has been abuzz about the impending invasion of gallinippers, a quarter sized and unusually aggressive mosquito. Mosquitoes can be extremely annoying, but in addition to the itching and inflammation of their bite, mosquitoes carry diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, eastern equine encephalitis (EEE), West Nile encephalitis, dog heartworm, and many others.  Protecting …

Protect yourself from mosquitoes this summer Read More »