
What do Moles Look Like?
Moles are mammals and have rounded bodies 6 inches in length. They are covered in soft black or gray fur and have pointed muzzles. Their tiny eyes are sensitive to changes in light level but provide little visual acuity. Moles have short, powerful legs and extremely broad front feet, which are used as shovels and are equipped with enormous digging claws. Moles are active year-round in South Florida.
Signs of a mole infestation
Moles feed on grubs, so if your lawn has been infested with those, you can expect moles to show up. Moles burrow through lawns and create molehills, which can kill a lawn. They can also burrow through plant roots, causing root damage and leading to death of the plant. In addition, moles can also bring other pests with them, such as fleas and ticks.