Indian Meal Moth

What do Indian Meal Moths Look Like?
Indian meal moths are approximately ½” long when at rest, with a wingspan of 3/4”. These dark colored moths lay their eggs in food and grain products and spin webbing and around the food that they have infested. Of all of the pantry pests, the Indian Meal Moth is the most widespread and most destructive.
When are Indian Meal Moths Most Active?
Indian meal moths are most active at night when they are flying around looking for a suitable place to lay their eggs.
What Attracts Indian Meal Moths?
Adult Indian meal moths are attracted to lights when they fly at night.
Where are you likely to find Indian Meal Moths?
In a farming or commercial setting, you are most likely to find the Indian Meal Moth in any stored grain. In your home, you are likely to find them in any stored dry foods. Indian meal moths prefer grain, but they will infest and eat the following:
Are Indian Meal Moths Dangerous or Destructive?
Adult Indian moths are destructive to stored products because they lay their eggs in the dried food or on the container, and thus rendering them inedible. Larvae cause the most direct damage to the dried food. They feast on it, and thus consume, damage and contaminate it. In a farm setting, this can also alter the weight and moisture levels in the food. The only danger that they pose is the contamination of the foods that they infest.