Green Bottle Fly

What do Green Bottle Flies Look Like?
Green bottle flies, otherwise known as blow flies, are a metallic green, 8-10 mm fly that is common through the world. They have large red eyes with yellow colored mouthparts, a hairy back and one set of clear iridescent wings that are a little longer than their bodies.
When are Green Bottled Flies Most Active?
Outside, green bottle flies are most active on warm, sunny days and primarily rest on cool or cloudy days. Inside, they are attracted to bright lights and windows.
What Attracts Green Bottled Flies?
Green bottle flies are attracted to feces, garbage and decaying flesh and organic matter. Indoors they are attracted to garbage, food, pet food, windows, and lights.
Where are you likely to find Green Bottled Flies?
These flies are distributed all over the world but can be found anywhere there is a food source.
Are Green Bottled Flies Dangerous or Destructive?
While green bottle flies are not destructive to property nor do they bite, they can pose a health risk. These flies are attracted to unsanitary areas where they have the potential of carrying pathogens and bacteria with them from place to place. They breed quickly, with one female green bottle fly laying about 2,000 to 3,000 eggs in her lifetime.