Fruit Fly

What do Fruit Flies Look Like?
Fruit flies are a tiny, tan or brown fly that have red eyes. Their abdomen is black on the top and gray underneath. They are usually only about 1/8”.
When are Fruit Flies Most Active?
Indoors, fruit flies are a concern year-round and will find any fresh produce you keep in the house. Outdoors, their presence increases significantly around harvest time which differs by crop.
What Attracts Fruit Flies?
Fruit flies eat vegetables and fruits that are ripened as well as any other organic matter that is fermenting. Also, they are attracted to any standing water or moist areas because their larvae must develop where there is suitable moisture.
Where are you likely to find Fruit flies?
Fruit flies can be found in many common places like:
Are fruit Flies Dangerous or Destructive?
While fruit flies do not actually destroy property or possessions, they can ruin and destroy food which can be costly for both homeowners and business owners alike. Generally, fruit flies don’t bite people. They are certainly considered a health risk because they carry pathogenic bacteria on themselves from one unsanitary place to the next where they land and spread the bacteria.