Fire Ants

What do Fire Ants Look Like?
Fire ant colonies contain workers of different sizes ranging from 1/8″ to 1/4″ in length. They are generally uniform in color and are dark brown to red.
When are Fire Ants Most Active?
In Florida, fire ants are active all year long. They swarm several times a year between spring and fall. Fire ants prefer to nest in open, sunny areas, which is why they are often found in yards.
What Attracts Fire Ants?
These ants are attracted to warm, humid environments with annual rainfall of 10” or more. They eat fruits, sugars, and syrups as well as other insects and meat. Fire ants also consume grease and other lipids. They are attracted to moist environments such as leaking pipes, humid basements, bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms.
What are the signs of a fire ant infestation?
The most recognizable sign of a fire ant infestation is the dome-shaped mounds they create in the ground and the protective behavior of workers who pour out of disturbed mounds to attack and sting intruders. AVOID THESE MOUNDS and call a professional immediately for treatment.
Are Fire Ants Dangerous or Destructive?
People, pets, and other animals who unknowingly disturb their mounds can be quickly covered with stinging ants. Significant illnesses and deaths have occurred from allergic reactions to their venom. Fire ant venom is unique in the insect world as it produces an immediate and painful stinging, burning sensation. Later, white pustules will form on the skin at the site of the sting. If you see a dome-shaped mound in your yard, avoid it and call a professional as soon as you can to get it safely taken care of.