Super Turf PLUS Complete Lawn Care Program

Any homeowner in South Florida knows that there’s more to keeping their lawn healthy than regular watering. These are some of the many questions local residents have about year-round lawn care:

From season to season, your lawn’s needs change, but knowing the best way to maintain your home’s landscaping and how to keep lawn problems at bay can be a complex, time-consuming battle. One way to win the war against lawn invaders without turning it into a full-time job is by taking advantage of a complete lawn service that guarantees to keep your lawn in tip-top shape all year round. That’s the promise of Nozzle Nolen’s Super Turf Plus complete lawn care program, which creates a pest-free perimeter around your property.

A picture of a South Florida Lawn before Nozzle Nolen Super Turf Plus Complete Lawn care

Uneven, unhealthy and full of weeds

A picture of a healthy lawn due to Nozzle Nolen’s Super Turf complete lawn care service

Healthy, full and weed-free

Super Turf Plus for Year Round Lawn Care

Your lawn serves as your house’s perimeter, so in addition to looking nice, it helps protect your home and its contents from unwanted pests. Nozzle Nolen provides a comprehensive, all-season plan for your lawn care needs and anticipates its future needs in protecting against pests and keeping the grass and soil healthy. These are the areas covered by Nozzle Nolan’s Super Turf Plus complete lawn care program:

Lawn health report: Step one of the Super Turf Plus program is an assessment by expert lawn care advisors that identifies the type of lawn you have, its current condition, and the areas that need attention. This serves as the blueprint for your custom treatment plan.

Insect control: Many of the pests that target your lawn, such as chinch bugs, sod webworms, and grubs, can also pose a threat to your family and your pets. The program’s regular treatments remy these as well as work to prevent fire ants, fleas, ticks, and other lawn pests.

Soil amendment: Materials are added to your lawn’s soil that improves its water retention, permeability, water infiltration, drainage, aeration, and structure. This promotes healthy root growth.

Disease and fungus control: When your lawn has discoloration or spots, it could be due to a disease or fungus. Leaf spots, snow mold, and spring dead spots are often caused by fungal infections. Common lawn diseases are brown patch, dollar spot, rust, leaf spot, and fairy ring.

Custom blend fertilizer: The living organisms in your lawn need nutrients that they receive through Nozzle Nolen’s custom-blended fertilizer. A combination of dry and liquid fertilizers are applied to your lawn, palms, and ornamental plants with special care taken to protect the environment.

Getting Started With Nozzle Nolen

By shielding your home’s perimeter, the Super Turf Plus complete lawn care program prevents pests that infect your lawn from making their way inside your home. Your residence is thoroughly protected against threats outside and inside. Find out how your lawn can benefit from a comprehensive pest-elimination and maintenance program by signing up for a free lawn evaluation.

Nozzle Nolen has provided complete lawn care services for South Florida residents for more than 70 years. With our Super Turf Plus complete lawn care program and comprehensive pest control solutions, you can ensure your home and lawn will be beautiful, healthy, and pest-free. Call us at 800.226.6536 or Contact Us. We look forward to serving you.